Mon - Fri - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sat - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Sun - Closed

4 Enon Street
North Beverly, MA 01915

Ultra Matte Gel

Gel Painting Medium
Texture: Thick
Sheen: Matte
Relative Opacity: Opaque

  • Heavy Body.
  • A translucent white gel of high density and high solids, that economically extends the volume of Heavy Body Artist Color without changing its heavy body
  • Add up to 50% by volume, to double amount of paint and retain color position
  • If more than 50% is added, it acts as a very weak tinting white
  • Maintains the opacity of the color better than using a clear gel medium
  • Dries to a matte finish, giving colors a matte sheen and gouache look


  • Running out of color during painting: Use when running out of a mixed Heavy Body Artist Color while painting. When you have reached the halfway point of painting the specific area, determine if you have enough paint to finish. If not, add an equal amount of Ultra Matte Gel to the color enabling you to finish painting without remixing. The color and opacity will be unchanged, but the color may lighten (higher value)
  • Underpainting: Mix into Heavy Body Artist Color during initial underpainting to double amount of color 
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Purchase Items

Ultra Matte Gel 8 oz 105420L $ 11.75