Mon - Fri - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sat - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Sun - Closed

4 Enon Street
North Beverly, MA 01915

Factis Plastic Erasers

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Factis erasers feature two popular varieties: P-12: General's Factis P-12 Plastic eraser is formulated for use with graphite on tracing papers and films. A non-abrasive and self cleaning eraser it removes graphite lines without ghosting. Latex Free. ES-20: General's Factis ES-20 Extra Soft White Vinyl Eraser is ideal for erasing charcoal, pastel, and graphite. Gentile enough to use on fine, handmade papers, or papers with a tooth. Ideal for shading and highlighting it can easily be cut down to smaller sizes. Absorbent enough to pick up oil paint from canvases. Latex Free.

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Purchase Items

Factis Eraser (one dozen) P12 $ 10.94
Extra Soft Eraser (20 to a box) ES20 $ 15.24