Mon - Fri - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sat - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Sun - Closed

4 Enon Street
North Beverly, MA 01915

Golden MSA Varnish

MSA (Mineral Spirit Acrylic) Varnish with UVLS (UltraViolet Light Stabilizers) is a Mineral Spirit Acrylic-borne resin system. MSA Varnish forms a tougher, less permeable film than waterborne acrylic emulsion varnishes. It reduces dirt penetration and surface marring, offering an extremely level film with less foam and fewer pinholes. Removable with turpentine after drying. Available in Gloss, Satin and Matte. Recommended for either interior or exterior use. For use on acrylics, oils, temperas, watercolors and various other media.

MSA (Mineral Spirit Acrylic) Solvent is the ideal solvent for thinning GOLDEN MSA Varnishes, which must be thinned before use. MSA Solvent assures clear, clean, even application time after time.GOLDEN MSA Solvent can also be used to remove MSA Varnish at a later time for restoration purposes. 

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Purchase Items

MSA Satin 128oz G7735128 $ 139.36
MSA Gloss 8oz G77308 $ 20.15
MSA Matte 8oz G77408 $ 20.15
MSA Satin 8oz G77358 $ 20.15
MSA Solvent 8 oz G77518 $ 10.49