Mon - Fri - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sat - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Sun - Closed

4 Enon Street
North Beverly, MA 01915

Strathmore Artist Tiles

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INTRODUCING Strathmore Artist Tiles! For Pattern Drawing and Meditative Art

Join the growing number of artists who are finding pattern drawing or meditative art to be an approachable and emotionally beneficial art form.  The process of creating patterned drawings by combining repetitive marks, circles, lines and forms to make small works of art can be a fun and relaxing way to clear your mind.

Paper types and formats include: Bristol in 4x4 packs and 6x6 glue-bound pads, Watercolor in 4x4 packs and 6x6 glue-bound pads, Strathmore Artagain® Black in 6x6 glue-bound pads, and Recycled Sketch in a 6x6 journal-style pad.

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Purchase Items

TILE BRISTOL 4X4" 300SER (20) 105-970 $ 3.90
TILE PAD Black 6X6" 400SER (30) 105-974 $ 6.39
TILE Watercolor 4X4" 400SER (20) 105-971 $ 3.90